3-way Swivel with Corkscrew

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Sea Buoy 3 – Way Corkscrew Swivels come in several sizes. Here is a 3 – Way that gets you going faster into the water.

For Bulk selection click on the option then go to qty box and type amount or use arrows to select amount. Bulk minimum 11 swivels.


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Swivel Size

100 Pound Test (Bulk), 100 Pound Test (5 Pack), 100 Pound Test (10 Pack), 120 Pound Test (Bulk), 120 Pound Test (5 Pack), 120 Pound Test(10 Pack), 150 Pound Test (Bulk), 150 Pound Test (5 Pack), 150 Pound Test(10 Pack), 200 Pound Test (Bulk), 200 Pound Test (5 Pack), 200 Pound Test (10 Pack), 300 Pound Test (Bulk), 300 Pound Test (5 Pack), 300 Pound Test (10 Pack)