If you have an interesting story using any of our QuickRig products, we would love to hear from you! Just drop us an e-mail, and send along any pictures you have of how QuickRig was a part of your fish story.
Fishing with Charlie Brown Circle Hooks for 6 Years
Charlie – San Diego
144kg Whaler caught with Charlie Brown 8/0 Circle Hook
Phil Preotta caught this bronze whaler on November 11th 2024 with a Charlie Brown Circle Hook 8/0.
Huge Mako Shark caught with Charlie Brown 20/0 Hook
“On July 23, 2022, I went fishing for Mako at San Diego’s 9 mile bank. About 2 hours into my chumming, I saw a big mako grab one of my balloons and pop it. It then circled my 19 foot center console and grabbed my other bait. In the past I would use smaller J hooks. I was recently introduced to the QuickRig Charlie Brown circle hooks. The mako that I caught that day was with one of those hooks 20/0 and it set perfectly into the corner of the mako’s mouth. It took me 5 hours to reel it in by myself and tow it back to the boat ramp. What an epic day. The mako was so big that the men at the dock could not lift it high enough to get it into my boat to take home. It took 10 men to lift the shark’s head into my boat so that they could lower the rest in. I am really impressed with your hooks and am grateful to have caught such a monster. Thank you Quick Rig!”
Big Tuna caught by Dan on August 25th 2022
World Record Tope on a 7/0 Charlie Brown Circle Hook
Here’s IGFA World Record Holder, Kevin Mclouglin with his catch. A 28.12 kgs Tope caught a on 7/0 Charlie Brown circle hook. 2kg/4lb. line. On May 2021, at a Competition in Port Macdonell, South Australia. Kevin is currently planning to go after the 2 lb. record. Many thanks for the pictures and story go to Kevin and his sponsor Predator Tackle, Kevin Armstrong.
Tuna Beast in 2022
Love your hooks, we have great success catching Giant Bluefin Tuna with them here in Sweden. Biggest last year was a beast, 110 inch and estimated weight was 800-900lb before tag and release 🙂
Garmin Sweden
Mississippi Cat Action 2021
Swansboro Rotary Club Tournament 2019
Fish ate a Laceration Lure, rigged with a QuickRig 10/0 blade point tuna hook. Great win in North Carolina!
Joey Massey
Point Loma, Easter Weekend 2019
70-80 # bluefin aboard The Chief out of Point Loma Sportfishing. Caught with 1/0 Charlie Browns!
Hal Anderson
Puerata Vallarta Trip 2017
310 pound Super Cow with a red Charlie Brown 5/0 circle hook with the welded ring. Bait a live squid on Makaira 20, 100 Soft Steel Fluoro and 100 pound Jerry Brown Braid on a United Composite Viper76 rod. 1 hour and 10 minute battle
Al Murray
SHARK caught from Kayak with QuickRig Super Charlie Brown circle hook and QuickRig Bait Bridling Kit
(in the video above) On August 31st, 2013 I was out as usual off Calheta and Jardim do Mar in Madeira in about 250 feet of water. On my main rod I had a live-bait (small Garouper) with a circle hook attached just behind the dorsal fin with a QuickRig bait clip, the bait was set at approximately 120 feet deep. Whilst trying to catch fresh livebait on a smaller rod, the reel of the main rod started to screech and line rapidly disappeared from the spool. Not knowing what was ‘hooked up’ I began to play the fish and it managed to tow the kayak out to sea for a short distance. Ten minutes later the wind-on leader appeared and there was the man in the grey suit, a School Shark. I had attracted interest from some local fishermen who were harpooning Wahoo in the area and they came over to take a look. Fortunately so, because they assisted me in de-hooking the shark. The shark was a mature adult estimated at approximately 80lb; these are not known to be dangerous to humans in the water (only one reported attack) although once landed in a boat (let alone a kayak) they are notorious difficult to control so I was happy for the help from the local fisherman. My intention was to release the shark however on this island the meat is considered a delicacy by the locals and before I could explain my intent to release they unfortunately harvested it assuming that I would want to as well. Not wanting to deal with the cleaning and filleting myself I offered the fish to them. I’m sure none of the meat will go to waste and it will feed a number of families. Sometimes the language barrier mixed with a ‘let’s get this under control’ situation does not always allow us to do what we want. Next time (if there is a next time) I’ll deal with it myself and for sure it will swim away. (EOS 50 reel and Trek XT Boat from Fox Sportfishing, circle hook from QuickRig)
One evening we were headed to the rigs about 80-90 Miles SW of Pensacola Florida , the waves were a little rougher than forecasted. We changed our plans about 2 miles outside the Pensacola Pass. We decided to “Stay Local” and do a little shark fishing to see if the seas lay down as they were predicted. Out goes a whole Bonita on a Quick-Rig 22/0 Super Charlie Brown circle hook. 20 minutes later this Bull Shark takes the bait and a little over an hour later she was tail roped and headed to the closest launch for pictures. (We practice catch and release as much as possible) Unfortunately, this Sharks heart exploded once she was tail roped and died. (We noticed this during the cleaning process) The Shark weighed in at 386 Lbs on the dot with a certified scale. We cleaned her and fed over 75 people at an annual fish fry. She did not go to waste. I prefer Quick-Rig hooks because they have the “right BITE” for a quality sharks thick jaw. As shown in the attached picture.
Jim Summers
A Big Fish! (18-Jan-2010)
That fish I caught was “This Big!”
Quick Rig Success! (24-Dec-2007)
To: quickrig@bellsouth.net
Thanks for a great product! (5-May-2008)
From: Jim Benard
To: sales@quickrig.com
Subject: Quick Rig fish story
Date: Mon, 5 May 2008
Just a note to let you know how well your quick rig works. I just got them a few weeks ago after seeing it on Mark Sosin’s TV show. I’ve had very good luck with the system already. This past Sat. 5/3/08 I landed a 50 lb dolphin off Port Canaveral with your weighted quick rig. The photo below shows the rig used. Thanks for a great product, it’s no fun rigging ballyhoo in rough seas.
A giant bull come out of nowhere head out of the water and crashes one bait and heads right towards my rod w/ quick rigged ballyhoo. Fish on. Good thing the reel he picked was just re-spooled yesterday. I don’t think the older mono would have held. TLD 25 30lb test, 60lb fluorocarbon and this circle hook. Half hour battle to get him to the boat.
Jim Benard – Oviedo, FL
A Brilliant Idea (1-May-2008)
From: ironrail@comcast.net
To: quickrig@bellsouth.net
Subject: Re: Quick Rig Clips
Received clips when I purchased the tool. I was checking to see if there is a retailer near where I can purchase more locally. Otherwise, the retailer that I ordered from wants 9.50 shipping for a box of clips. Seems a little high for shipping.
Anyway, I used the clips a few days ago on a Striper fishing trip with four friends. When I took it out everyone looked at what I was doing. They all asked what it was. I explained it and showed them how it works. Well, one guy shook his head and said “I don’t buy it”. That gentleman is a surgeon, makes a fortune and owns a very expensive boat. But he won’t buy a new rod and reel. He uses antiquated equipment. The other guys just watched and made no opinion.
On the first three drifts I caught three large stripers. A couple of the other guys caught one. To make a long story short, the doctor had to eat his words! Everyone started using the clips. Within two hours we were limited out on stripers.
Everyone is convinced that it is a brilliant idea! Ol Doc still hasn’t voiced his opinion but I think he’s embarrassed that he spoke too soon. I will be using the clips on all of my live lining. And I bet that the other guys are ordering a kit for themselves. Maybe even Doc.
It is great!!!!
I have to admit, I also was skeptical but I am glad I purchased the tool and clips.
David Brackmann
Charter Member
1117 posts, 14 feedbacks, 24 points Nov-05-07, 12:47 PM (PST)
9. “RE: 179 Marlin and 1 sailfish released in one day”
In response to message #1
It was wild watching fish that we released swim immediately back to the meatballs of mackerel and see them start feeding again with a circle hook still in their jaw and a foot of leader attached to the hook. There is no doubt in our minds that circle hooks are the ONLY way to go to insure healthy and fast billfish releases.
We could not of done this without circle hooks PERIOD!
The Eagle Claw L2004EL 8/0 hooked the marlin in the corner of the jaw, the fish would stay on the surface after the bite and not dive out or if they did would come up and jump again, allowing us to back down and cut the fish off with a release knife on a tag pole close to the hook or break leader there. Hook up rates were 95% or better. I went 24 for 24 before I wore through a leader on one fish..lol. Twice I was underwater while laying out over the transom to grab leader was Badsey backed down at 7 knots in a wall of water..lol. Another thing that sped things up was to cast out no more than 4 baits at a time and throw them all in one spot so that we would hook the fish in the same spot so we could back down and pick off one or two right close to where we hooked them. We wouldn’t cast of hook another batch until we got two released first. We casted and fought all fish from the stern (no bow bait tank), never went to the bow, this helped keep the fish off the stern most of the time. That Rampage spins on the dime and is a rocket ship! Maximum bait capacity in the tank I found when loading it was 65 baits max. Any excess we would drop in the 4 tuna tubes to use as dead baits. We had 4 dozen ballyhoo in the freezer for when we ran low on live baits. Bait was easy to make in the morning at 5 a drop per sabiki rig with 8 oz. of weight (we had to re-rig with our casters for three bait rigs on the bait grounds – Chris found them on the 500′ flats 1/4 mile below the shark buoy with the meat balls hanging at 120′ – 140′ deep. After 12 PM (when we had 100 releases) we found the bait was getting tougher and tougher to catch as Chris said the bait was getting pushed around by marlin. He could see multiple marlin on the bait balls while we tried to stay on the bait to make it. We ran out of sinkers and ended up using Diamond Jigs with the hooks cut off as weights. Alex was very good at catching red snapper and not mackerel..lol.
The tackle was –
7′ Melton casters, Trinidads and Stellas (Trinidads were the reel of choice with the high gear ratio and better casting freespool..me and Steve still like the Avet 6/3 better myself..lol) spooled with 65 lb. hi-vis braid worm knotted to 100 yards of 30 lb. line to 30′ of 100 lb. regular clear Berkley Hi Test (we had a 1,000 yard spool sitting behind the chair) then snelled on through the bend side of the eye (what I always preach here)an Eagle Claw L2004EL 8/0 circle hook with the bait either just pinned through the mackerels nose or using Quick Rig bait clips. When we got down to 6 top 10 live baits we would have Alex Rogers and Jose use the live bait and my brother Steve and I would use the Quick Rig clips to horse ballyhoo. We would just cast the ballyhoo to the bait ball, let it sink for 3 seconds and then wind and then stall the bait when a marlin was trailing the casted ballyhoo for the bite.
QuickRig 2 Second Bait Bridling Kit (30-Mar-2007)
Hi Howard,
I just thought I’d give you a quick update. I just got back from 7 days of fishing in Cabo San Lucas. I caught 37 Stripped Marlin in 7 days, 5 on lures and 32 with live Mackerel. We used the QuicRig exclusively and I had a 100% hook-up rate with the bait bridling. It worked perfectly and I know the hook-up percentage was so high because of the perfect placement of the hook on the bait every time. My Captain and Mate were a little skeptical but they aren’t anymore, they love it.
I need some more clips, who has them in stock now?
Tom Lansing
QuickRig Hooks (19-Mar-2007)
Hi Howard,
I just want to thank you for the hooks, and to let you know we just won a daily prize of $82,300 in the Bacardi Billfish Tournament using two stealth coated 9/0 southern tuna hooks. Hopefully you will make some needle eye hooks soon.
Thanks again for a great product.
Capt. Jason “tiny” Walcott. S/F “Juel Marie”